Sometimes things happen and you ponder whether to write about it, or put is aside quietly. After a couple of months passed, I decided to let my customers know why Jordana Paige bags will not be sold here. Several years ago, we opened an account with Jordana Paige. At this point, they were just happy to take orders and get their products in the marketplace. We are a small company, and sold their original bag, and a few messenger bags. The original bags were discontinued without any notice to us (retail customers). When the new Jordana Paige bags came out, we were not really thrilled with them, and did not order any. The distribution of the bags left Jordana Paige, and went to JCA. While we do have an account with JCA, we never ordered any Jordana Paige bags through them. Apparently JCA distributed the Jordana Paige bags for about a year. Something happened (I am not sure what), and that distribution partnership ended, and Ms. Paige was again distributing her bags.
Late last year we received an email from Jordana Paige telling us about her bags, and inviting retail customers to order online through her website. All we had to do was email her requesting a password to order. I decided that Vintage Knits needed to add more bags to our store. We had overlooked the bags, and focused our attention on yarns. In any event, I emailed Ms. Paige for a password to place an order. I wanted to try a few of her new bags, and see what our customers’ response was. The password was promptly received. I took several hours looking at her offerings, and figuring out my order, and a second order that I would place later. I placed my order, and to my surprise, I received an email from Ms. Paige stating that she would not fill the order because she does not sell products to businesses such as mine. I found that hard to believe since she has sold bags to me in the past, and actually emailed me the “invite” to purchase bags from her, and also emailed me a password to buy through her retail site.
I emailed Ms. Paige to find out why all of the sudden she would not fill the order since I had ordered from her in the past. She responded that I probably bought her bags through JCA, who sold to all of their retail accounts, and she has different criteria . . . . I promptly responded that I never purchased any Jordana Paige bags though JCA, only directly through her. No reply was received.
Oh well, that is the yarn business. At least we are no longer getting emails from her company telling us about her bags and trying to get orders from us. We have a few Jordana Paige Knitters Messenger Bags left. These bags have been placed on our clearance rack. They normally sell for $85.00, and have been reduced to $59.67, which is 30% off the retail price.
So, what are we doing about knitting bags? We contacted the very nice people from Namaste last October, but never got around to placing an order. Well, we bit the bullet, and ordered some really nice bags from them. Namaste came out with a series of new bags since my initial telephone call to them last year. The new bags are in the Namaste Cali Collection. I did a google search on these bags, and saw nothing but very positive reviews in blogs. These bags sold out immediately, and are now back ordered until next month, and the orders will be filled in the order they were received. So, I am not sure whether my bags will be here in April or May, but they are coming.
Here is a sneak peak of the Namaste Cali Collection:
These are all great bags with very stylish shapes. All bags have compartments for personal items, and knitting projects. These bags come in several colors. We will start with three or so colors, and add more colors later.
I am always on the lookout for unique bags. If you have a favorite bag or tote that you would like Vintage Knits to sell, contact us.
Hi Venita,
Thought I would address your concerns. As I stated in my email to you, it has always been our policy not to sell to online-only shops. When I first sold to you, I must not have realized you didn’t have a brick and mortar location. This happens sometimes.
In regards to why The Knitter’s Purse was discontinued…it was simply time to offer new styles. All our retail accounts received email notices when this style was discontinued.
As stated before, I apologize for this inconvenience. Not realizing you were an online-only shop was an oversight on my part. I wish you the very best success with your business.
Comment by JordanaPaige — March 11, 2008 @ 7:48 pm