Vintage Knits Update

February 17, 2011

Silk Garden Chunky – “the lost box”

Filed under: Vintage Meanderings — sadie @ 9:30 pm

It does help to actually unpack a box! While moving things around, we found an unopened box of yarn. Inside to my surprise, were several bags of the now discontinued Noro Silk Garden Chunky. This yarn is a silk, mohair and lambs-wool blend. It knits at 3.5 stitches to the inch on size 11 needles. Here are the colors that we found in our lost box, from left to right, #01, 03, and 05:

silk garden chunky #01 silk garden chunky #03 silk garden chunky #05

As this yarn is discontinued, once we sell our current inventory, it’s gone for good. To purchase this yarn, visit our on-line store.

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