Yarn Sale!
Just a quick note. We are having a back to school sale at our online store. Take 25% off orders of more than $100.00. Use this coupon code during checkout: bb07329ba4
The coupon is good for a limited time only, so shop early for the best selection. This sale ends on September 21, 2008 at 11:00 p.m. pacific time.
What’s New to the Online Store?
Mission Falls Patterns
Dale of Norway Patterns
KA Bamboo Interchangeable Needles (restocked)
Fall Magazines
New Books
We have lots of patterns that are in stock, but not online yet. contact us if you are looking for a particular pattern or pattern booklet for any of our yarns, we may have it.
We also have the full line of KA needles, purse handles, and fun notions in stock, but not online yet. We will be adding more products to our online store this weekend. If you are ready to shop, visit our online yarn store for secure, safe shopping.