We finally have Mission Falls 1824 Wool Yarn in stock. We should have ordered this yarn years ago, but better late than never. This is a wonderfully soft Aran weight superwash yarn that knits at 18 stitches and 24 rows to four inches. In addition to the softness of this yarn, the color palette is its most unique characteristic. Mission Falls has an earthy tone to its colors. Nothing bold, nothing brash, just very nice.
We ordered every color in the wool, including their new Tricolors. We are a bit busy at the shop now, and have put the yarn names online, so that you can order it immediately. The colors will be added when things slow down a bit. In the meantime, you can see the color cards here. Click the pictures for a larger view.

If you are looking for Mission Falls Patterns, look no further, we ordered every single pattern booklet. The patterns are in stock, and will be online soon. If you need a pattern that is not online, email us.
You might be wondering what we have been doing, that is keeping us so busy. In addition to recovering from the onslaught of after Christmas orders, we have been upgrading and redesigning our online store. The upgrade was by necessity, to keep up with the latest technology and security software. The redesign was because the old design was looking just that “old”. Let us know what you think of the new store design. The rest of our website will be redesigned to look like our store. Expect that change sometime in February.
Other News:
Lots of new arrivals, including a yarn line new to our shop, Sublime. We haven’t unpacked all 13 of the boxes that arrived, but this shipment should have every yarn, shade, and pattern book in the Sublime Yarn line. Also new to Vintage Knits, is Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino, Snuggly Baby Bamboo, Kureyon Sock Yarn, more Noro Yarns, Zephyr Lace Yarn, and hand dyed cashmere from A.L. de Sauveterre. We will get the new yarns online as soon as possible. For most of the new yarn lines, we ordered every color in each yarn, and the accompanying patterns.
To purchase our yarns, visit our online store. To inquire about yarns not yet online, contact us.