Managing the online component of our store is not as simple as we thought it would be. What happens when your web host makes a few changes? Sometimes their software conflicts with your software. Well, that is what happened to us last month. Sort of like trying to play a European DVD in an American DVD player; it just doesn’t work.
Our store was down for an entire weekend while we worked day and night upgrading the software. We apologize to anyone who could not purchase yarn during that time. One nice thing came out of this software chaos, we redesigned our online store. Visit our online store and let us know what you think of the new design. Within the next few months, the rest of our website will also be redesigned to match our online store.
now on to the yarn front:
We have been working at lightening speed to get our new yarns online. One yarn line that we are very excited about is Sublime. We ordered every Sublime yarn in every color to give you the full range that they have to offer. The new cotton yarns have not arrived yet. We also have all of the books in stock. The yarns are online now, the books will follow soon.
What’s really nice about this yarn line is that with the exception of the kid mohair blend, all Sublime yarns are 100% natural. Nothing scratchy, no acrylic, only the most luxurious combinations of fibers at an affordable price. Think the finest angora, merino, silk, kid mohair, and cashmere. Did I forget to mention that the patterns are wonderful!
Here are our Sublime yarns:
Take a look at a small sampling of our Subime products. Here is a skein of Baby Cashmere Merino Silk DK, and patterns using this yarn.

and Sublime Kid Mohair Blend and patterns using this yarn.
We are going to try to update our blog at least once a week (remember, I said try). There still is a lot of yarn to put online, especially, a large shipment from Louet, filled with their lovely Gems yarns. We are slowly adding our patterns and books to the online store. The bulk of which are not online yet.
If you are looking for any pattern, book, or yarn that is not online, contact us. To purchase our products visit our online store. Our products are in stock, with inventory amounts listed. Unlike other online retailers, we do not list a product and allow you to purchase it unless we have it in stock. No back orders, no misunderstanding, no out of stock rants, no partial shipments, no delay in shipping orders!