Vintage Knits Update

August 31, 2010

Web Roundup

Filed under: Vintage Meanderings — sadie @ 8:00 am

I spend way too much time on the internet. I guess this malady goes with owning an online yarn shoppe. Anyway, I was surfing the web the other day, and found two projects that were very unusual. The first is a project for a pair of felted slippers, also known as the woven square slippers. woven square slippersYou might ask, “what is so unusual about felting a pair of slippers?” I know that everyone is felting these days, but what makes this project stick out is the fact that the slippers are not knitted, they are woven on a small loom. This pattern is very simple, you just take a small loom, and weave a 12″ square, then sew up the sides, and felt it. Somehow this 12″ square felts into a nifty pair of slippers. If you do not weave, just knit or crochet up your square, and follow the directions, it should turn out fine.

The pattern and many more photos can be found on the Knitting Interrupted blog. That blog post has step by step directions for the slippers, along with many photos. Since I do not weave, I’m going to knit up a 12″ square to make my slippers.

The next project that caught my attention was for a very handy and economical way to make a yarn swift out of coat hangers.tilta swift People’s imagination and creativity amaze me! I never would have thought of this. The project is called the Tilta Swift. Directions can be found at the
Webecca Says

If you are interested in making homemade swifts, there is a great thread about this on Ravelry, in the yarn forum. Just search that forum for homemade swifts, and you should find the thread. I spent way too much time reading that Ravelry thread. It had many more ideas for homemade yarn swifts, some that needed the skills of the “dear husband.” It was such a fun read to see how people were adapting household items to make yarn swifts — from coat hangers to lamp shades or skilled woodwork, the possibilities are endless.

August 27, 2010


Filed under: Vintage Meanderings — sadie @ 7:17 am

I received a very interesting package in the mail this week. It was from Colinette yarns, and contained this:


a skein of their new yarn Hullabaloo. Hullabaloo is an aran weight yarn that is 100% wool, and very plump and soft. This yarn is colorful, with a twist. One of the three strands that make up Hullabaloo is made from locally (Colinette is from Europe) sourced Black Welsh. The twist is a black strand of yarn that is twisted around the other strands to make a very unique ply. Take a closer look at this yarn:

hullabaloo up close

These are not the best photo’s, but the twist is pure black. I think the photo has a tint to it. Hullabaloo comes in an astounding 125 colors, which is the entire Colinette palette.

Colinette’s offering a free pattern with this yarn. There’s also a nice accessory book with quick and easy small projects to make out of Hullabaloo. I’m going to knit up a sample and post the knitted fabric soon. We are thinking about stocking this yarn. We would love your feedback, and want to know if Hullabaloo is a yarn that you would like to knit with, and want us to stock.

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